To celebrate the end of the school year, students from J. 1, 2, 4 and 5 participated in some English games. The first game was Musical Freeze, with an English twist. When the music played, students could move around wherever they wanted to. When the music stopped, they had to freeze. If a student moved, he or she had to come to the front and take a card. Each card had an instruction for the student (e.g. spin the hula hoop). The second game, played by J.4 and 5 students only, was called Body Part Musical Madness. Students found a partner and formed an inner circle(partner A) and an outer circle (partner B). When the music played, one circle walked clockwise, and the other walked anti-clockwise. When the music stopped, students froze and listened to an instruction (e.g. hand to head). Students then had to find their partner and do the action as quickly as possible. Students and teachers alike had great fun playing these games.